When people have missing teeth, they will want to have a stable and secure new smile with a restorative tooth replacement option. Luckily, when people with missing teeth go to a trusted doctor, they can get the stable new smile they need and deserve with implant supported dentures in Tavares, FL. With implant supported dentures patients will no longer have to worry about having embarrassing or awkward situations with their new smile.
Continue reading to learn more about why people with missing teeth should restore their smiles with implant supported dentures.
How Are Implant Supported Dentures In Tavares, FL The Right Tooth Replacement Option For Me?
Traditional dentures can cause the jaw to lose bone density, causing the patients dentures to be unstable and uncomfortable in their mouth. This is because traditional dentures do not stimulate the patient’s jawbone. Fortunately, implant supported dentures can give patients a stable and secure new smile.
Implant supported dentures can give patients a stable new smile because two or more dental implant posts are used to stabilize the denture. During an implant supported denture procedure, the dental implant posts are strategically placed and permanently fuse with the patient’s jawbone. Once the dental implants are securely placed in the patient’s jawbone, they can reliably stabilize the denture for years to come.
To make sure the patients new smile is stable with implant supported dentures, preliminary procedures may need to be performed. The preliminary procedures patients may need to get treated with before their implant supported dentures can be successfully placed include tooth extractions and bone grafting procedures.
During the bone grafting procedure, the skilled doctor will place bone graft material in the jawbone where bone loss has occurred. Bone grafting makes the patients jawbone strong enough to support implant supported dentures. A tooth extraction procedure is necessary when unsalvageable teeth need to be extracted before implant supported dentures can be successfully placed.
Once implant supported dentures have been successfully placed, patients can benefit from having:
- Natural looking teeth
- The ability to resume a normal diet and speak properly
- A custom designed new smile that can last a lifetime with proper care
See Us Now For Your Restorative Implant Supported Dentures
If you or a loved one have missing teeth or want to upgrade your smile from implant supported dentures, then you should come to our caring and advanced office. Through the use of the latest techniques and technologies, we can give you the beautiful and functional new smile of your dreams.
Why wait to improve your smile with us? Get in contact with Dr. Timothy J. Pruett and our exceptional team at our Lakeview Comprehensive Dentistry office to schedule an appointment today!